Missione & Visione

Qui di seguito riportiamo chi siamo, cosa pensiamo del nostro lavoro, cosa potete aspettarvi di questo progetto.

Chi c’è dietro Ghini

Ghini is a small set of programs, meant to let collection managers manage their collection also digitally.

Ghini was born back in 2004 as Bauble, at the Belize Botanical Garden. It was later adapted to the needs of a few more gardens. Brett Adams, the original programmer, made this software a commons, by releasing it under a GPL license.

After years of stagnation Mario Frasca revived the project, and rebranded it as Ghini in honour of Luca Ghini, founder of the first European botanic garden and herbarium. Mario Frasca started advocating, travelling, distributing, developing, expanding, redefining, documenting it, and it is now Mario Frasca writing this, looking for users, requesting feedback.

Quindi attualmente dietro Ghini c’è molto di più che solo uno sviluppatore, c’è una piccola ma crescente comunità globale di utenti.

Translations are provided by volunteers who mostly stay behind the scenes, translating missing terms or sentences, and disappearing again.

Per rendere le cose più chiare quando si parla di Ghini, è bene indicare se si tratta di Ghini (il software), o Ghini (le persone), a meno che ovviamente non vogliamo indicare entrambe le cose.


Our goal as Ghini Software is to provide free software, of proven quality, and to let anybody install it if they feel like it. We also aim at facilitating access to functional knowledge, in the form of documentation or by laying the contact among users or between users and software professionals.

All our sources, software and documentation, are open and free, and we welcome and stimulate people to use and to contribute. To facilitate community forming, all our platforms can be consulted without registration. Registration is obviously required if you want to contribute.

Ghini welcomes the formation of groups of users, bundling forces to define and finance further development, and we welcome developers contributing software, from any corner in the world, and we stimulate and help them comply with the high quality requirements, before we accept the contributed code in the software sources.


La visione serve a indicare la strada da percorrere e proietta un’immagine futura di quello che vogliamo che la nostra organizzazione diventi, in modo realistico e attraente. Essa serve come motivazione perché visualizza la sfida e la direzione delle modifiche necessarie per crescere e prosperare.

  • entro il 2020
  • segno di riferimento
  • comunità
  • sviluppo
  • integrazione con il portale web
  • informazioni geografiche